Monday, November 29, 2010

Intrastate DOT Numbers to be Required in SC

The South Carolina Department of Public Safety’s State Transport Police will begin implementation of a new program for intrastate commercial motor vehicle operators.

Operators of Commercial Motor Vehicles in intrastate operation have been required for years to register with the US DOT and obtain a US DOT number. A commercial vehicle is defined as follows:

• Has a gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) or a gross combination weight rating, or a gross vehicle weight or gross combination weight of 10,001 pounds or more; or
• Is designed or used to transport more than eight passengers, including the driver for compensation; or
• Is designed or used to transport more than 15 passengers, including the driver, and is not used to transport passengers for compensation; or
• Is used in transporting hazardous materials as defined under federal law.

Registration is not limited to “trucking companies.” As defined by law, a “motor carrier” is any commercial enterprise that used such vehicles in it business operations and as a result they are subject to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations. This includes many small businesses such as landscapers, plumbers, electricians who operate smaller commercial motor vehicles.

The South Carolina State Transport announced on November 15, that Intrastate (motor carriers that do not cross a state line) operators of CMV’s would now be required to register. Program deadline to register is October 1, 2011. Intrastate motor carriers can go to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s website and follow the same procedures as interstate motor carrier in obtaining a US DOT number except they should note they are an intrastate motor carrier. There is not a charge for obtaining the DOT number and “the issuance of an intrastate DOT number does not subject commercial motor carriers to additional or different safety requirements” state Col. Nick Moore, commanding officer of the State Transport Police. After registering electronically, the company will receive their registration number and pin number. Enforcement for non-compliance starts 10.1.2011.